
Owned by neonjelly
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Scent: Honey | Taste: Honey

Reece is the non-binary train conductor of the Emerald Express! They are a paragon of punctuality and professionalism in every aspect of their life but especially on the rails. They have a habit of checking their pocket watch at all times, not only when they’re working, to keep their life moving like clockwork. Though their pursuit of punctuality doesn’t make them any less friendly. They’re very extroverted and befriend nearly all moos who climb aboard their train bound for Bovine Bluffs. Along with being friendly, they’re also very gentle. They help to transport newborn moos off to the nursery as needed.

Since they are quite professional, it’s rather easy to get them flustered. When nervous, they’ll start playing with the lid of their pocket watch or start fiddling with the long bangs they keep down in their face. You can always try to find out for yourself exactly what flusters them, but some moos say there’s a certain barista in town that knows exactly how to rile up our dear conductor…